

games costumes

Fran - Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII


Fran was a dream I thought would never come true. Even though her personality is kind of…not so much personality (>.<), I loved her design from the first moment.  But I never thought I had the skills to do it, I thought I was to fat to do it, I have no tan, blahblah. Then, at some point, I was like: heck, I’m gonna do it anyway. So I had very low expectations in this costumes, which was REALLY good! Because I damn like how it came out, even though there are parts that could be done better.

Tutorials for helmet, wig and ears on deviant Art.

Please note: When I made this cosplay, the global cosplay community wasn’t as close as it is now. Thus at that time in my country we didn’t have any contact with cosplayers feeling bad by other cosplayers tanning their skin for a costume. By now I am aware of this and a lot more aware of the problem skin colour and race still causes in other countries and will refrain from tanning for cosplay in the future.

Pictures by Yumi


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