

Here is a small collections of patterns to download*.

Atashi pattern from Chobits. (PDF)


Mokona pattern from Tsubasa Chronicle. (ZIP)
(of course you can use it for MKR too – just shorten the ears)


Spriggan Cap Pattern from Final Fantasy XIV (PDF)

spriggan caps

Chocobo Hatchling from Final Fantasy XIV (PDF)


Carbuncle from FFXIV (PDF)


Corset pattern
A pattern for a basic 6-part corset, european sizes 36-42. Can be used for basic princesses dresses for example.
PLEASE NOTE: the sizes are based on average measurements that have been calculated in a mass-measurement for clothing sizes. Those my not be your exact size (for me, for instance, they’re mostly too short). Please make a mock up before cutting your actual fabric.

* These Patterns are non-commercial, and the site doesn’t want them to be commercial in any way. They are from fans for fans.

Printing the patterns

Some of the patterns are obviously too large for A4 paper. Please use the poster print function either in your printer driver, or in the settings of your PDF Viewer.


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