
blubb blubb blubb blubb
Arcanist from Final Fantasy 14 with DIY Topaz Carbuncle in the Acolyte's Caster Gear Set


games costumes: Arcanist - In the Acolyte's Gear Set from FFXIV
Aqua cosplay Kingdom hearts birth by sleep


games costumes: Aqua - from Kingdom Hearts


tutorials: French Seams - French seams make seams in sheer fabrics look a lot prettier!


tutorials: Ventilating a wig w/o professional tools - For those who don't have access to professional materials.


tutorials: Corset for cosplay - An easy and beginner friendly corset for cosplays.


tutorials: Backparting wigs - A quick and easy way to backpart wigs, using additional wefts.


tutorials: Chii ears of styrofoam and clay - Chii ears that aren't made from craft foam.


tutorials: Frans Ears from FFXII - How I made my Fran ears.
Gwendolyn - Odin Sphere - Princess Cosplay


games costumes: Gwendolyn - from Odin Sphere


tutorials: Frans wig from FFXII - How I made Frans wig.

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